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ABSTRACT: This study was carried out to examine child labour, child trafficking and girl child marriage in Nigeria using resident of Enugu urban as case study. Specifically, the study examined  the role of the media in the fight against child labour, trafficking and marriage in Nigeria. The study also  assess the public perception/ opinion on the war against the widespread of child- labour, trafficking and early marriage by the media. The study further  examine public perception of the media as powerful instrument to fight the obnoxious practices against children in Nigeria. Lastly, the study  evaluate and determined extent in which the public in Enugu urban see empowerment of the victims of child  labour, child trafficking and child marriage in the society. The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 77 responses were validated from the survey. From the responses obtained and analyzed, the findings revealed that the media  play effective role in the fight against child labour, child trafficking and child marriage in Enugu urban. Also, the public perceive the media as an effective instrument in the fight against the practices of child labour, trafficking and child marriage. Furthermore, there are different  forms of child abuse despite media efforts to reduce it among children in Enugu urban. Lastly, the public commend the media in the fight against child labour trafficking and marriage in Enugu urban. The study hereby recommend that any Person caught using a child for domestic labour should be arrested and prosecuted. Also,  that laws should be made and strictly enforced on anybody caught trafficking  a child. Lastly, that government and other non governmental agencies should organize programs in other to create awareness on the effect of girl child marriage on the girl and the society at large.
